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The Benefits Of Oatmeal & Lavender In Pet Shampoo Explained

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Most pet owners know that you don’t wash or groom your pet with products made for humans. There are cosmetics and wellness products specially designed for our furry friends, and pet shampoo is one of them. Our skin and hair vary greatly from that of an animals, so we have to take that into consideration. Washing an animal with the wrong kind of product can result in a bad experience for everyone involved.

Now, there are some products or substances which are fit for humans and pets. In that case, it is just a matter of size and adequate portioning of things. There are a few natural ingredients which I would like to talk about today, and they are oatmeal, lavender oil, and jojoba oil. These three nourishing wonders are actually great for your dog’s skin and fur.

Before we get into natural products and doggies, I will just say that if there is anything out of the ordinary, or if you have any doubts, feel free to consult with your vet. Your doggy doctor knows your pooch and her system better than anyone, so go with your vet’s advice.

Benefits Of Oatmeal For Dogs

Oats and strawberries

Oatmeal is Great for Dogs Too!

It may sound strange at first, I know. But when you think about it a minute, it is not too weird at all. Cooked oatmeal has always been a staple of good health and vitality. It nourishes and aids the body in its everyday activities. That’s why it is considered to be one of the best (and most popular) breakfasts in many countries.

While it is true that oats are mostly associated with humans, a large amount of the world’s oats are shipped off and packaged as animal feed, along with most of the world’s corn and soy.

The benefits of oatmeal for dogs are ruffly (see what I did there?) the same as they are for humans. Oats can help a dog’s skin stay clean and healthy, and they can also regulate the digestive process. It comes from the ground, it is nice and filling, it is relatively cheap, and it can be made very quickly.

Check out the essential Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo and Pet Spray review!

Benefits Of Lavender For Dogs


Lavender Soothes Calms and Disinfects Your Dog’s Skin and Fur.

Like oats, lavender essential oil is something which has been traditionally associated with humans. Does this mean that dogs can’t enjoy it? Of course not. Much like with the oats, it is all a matter of proper amounts. Essential oils are volatile substances, and they can act as irritants when used inappropriately.

When properly used, lavender oil can act in the same way it does with humans., as long as it’s being properly diluted. In the human world, the essential oil of Lavendula is used in medicine, therapy, and even the food industry. It is a scent which ensnares you, captivates you, yet it remains light enough to not become overbearing.

Lavender oil can remove bacteria from the surface of the skin and fur, and it can keep your dog’s coat looking shiny and smelling great. This is an oil which can also help with various types of surface infections and skin conditions.

Benefits Of Jojoba Oil For Dogs

Pets on the couch

Jojoba Oil Moisturizes and Balances the Skin.

Jojoba is one of the oils which best emulates the function of the body’s natural oil, the sebum. Humans and dogs both have glands that secrete this natural oil on a regular basis. It is not secreted evenly throughout the body, and it is not secreted evenly between different breeds and individuals. Different people and different animals have varying amounts of this substance, but we all need it to some degree. This is why jojoba oil is found in many pet shampoos and other pet-related products.

Also, much like the previous two substances I mentioned, this oil can also help your dog’s coat remain clean and healthy. For dogs that have more sensitive skin, this is an oil that is gentle and moisturizing.

Artificial colors, harsh detergents, preservatives, and the like – these are all elements which exist in human hair care products, and in animals’ as well. If you need a way to reduce the amount of junk that your doggy is exposed to, you can start with the way you take care of their skin and coat – jojoba oil being a good start!

How To Naturally Care For Dogs Sensitive Skin

Man cuddling his dog on a hike

Caring for Your Pet Requires More Gentle Products.

First of all: location, location, location. Whenever you give your dog a rinse and wash, make sure to keep any products away from their eyes, mouth, nose, ears, anus, and basically from any opening! Even natural substances like lavender and jojoba can become too much if they get into the wrong places. Pay attention to what and where you are washing.

The best way to care for your dog’s skin naturally has nothing to do with products. Not at first, anyway. Periodically, you should part your dog’s fur, look at the surface of their skin, and attempt to notice anything out of the ordinary. If you see your pooch scratching and biting in ways which are out of the ordinary, don’t just let it go. Have a look, and see if something’s up. Always consult with a vet when something is wrong with your animal friend.

Caring for pets naturally starts with prevention. This also includes using doggy pet sprays in order to keep the coat and skin happy and healthy between baths. They also help for keeping your dog calm on and off the road. By the way, some of those dog’s sprays also have lavender, since it acts as a quick calming agent.

DIY Natural Shampoo With Jojoba, Lavender & Oatmeal For Dogs

There is always the option of making your own pet shampoo. There are some advantages to this. First, you know exactly what is going into your dog’s hair care, and this allows you to pick the best substances, leaving out things you don’t need.
Second, it can be significantly less expensive than commercial dog shampoo. Maybe not straight up, no. But consider this: you can also use the oils and oatmeal which you are using for other purposes. So, let’s see a quick DIY recipe.

  • ½ cup oatmeal, ground into powder
  • ½ cup baking soda
  • 1-2 drops lavender oil
  • 1-2 drops jojoba oil
  • 2 cups warm water

Mix together and use immediately. You can choose to leave it in for a few minutes, and this will help it make a more substantial impact.
There are many other dog shampoo recipes you can use. Check them out, and see which one fits your animal roommate best.


Oats, lavender, jojoba? These are accessible, relatively cheap, and pretty helpful for humans and dogs alike. Give it a try. Like I said, you may need to tweak it to better fit your dog’s skin, coat, and natural tendencies.