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Top 5 Hair Loss Causes & How To Treat It

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There’s nothing more distressing than experiencing hair loss…all over your house and everywhere you go… In the shower. When you’re sitting on the couch just running your fingers through your hair and suddenly your fingers are all tangled with hair. Hair sticking to the soles of your shoes because, when you take a closer look at the floor, you notice that there is a coat of something distinctly hairy covering the ground you walk on. How lovely.

Most of us would rather not be able to relate to the above scenario. But if you are nodding your head right now, do not despair. There are several treatments for hair loss. As with most conditions, if you are experiencing thinning hair the first step would be to identify what may be causing it before deciding on an effective treatment plan.

Top 5 Hair Loss Causes

1. Stress Hair Loss

Woman is stressed

Stressed woman.

Are you surprised? I am aware that this does pose the question of the chicken or the egg: is the hair loss causing stress or is the stress causing hair loss? I imagine both. If you do not believe your thinning hair is a result of stress, there are other explanations for hair loss. If you do lead a stressful life, I have good news for you. There are ways to minimize the stress of daily living with some internal work and mindset switches.

One tried and true way to reduce stress is with meditation. Take some time just to breathe every day. Give yourself time every day to unwind tense nerves and relax. You could do this by meditating, doing yoga or anything that you find relaxing. This will help you to forget all, or at least some, of the worries that you shoulder daily. Also, make sure to sleep enough. Lack of sleep can produce the stress hormone cortisol. And as I said above, stress = hair loss. So make sure you’re getting those zzz’s.

2. Medications And Hair Loss

If your hair is thinning, it may be worthwhile to look through any medications you are taking. Speak to your doctor about side effects they may be causing you. Hair loss is a common side effect of strong medications. Often medications used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, high blood pressure, and heart problems can cause thinning hair.

If you’re taking these medications and experiencing hair loss, the medication could be an underlying reason. This isn’t a rule per se, but it should probably be the first place that you check. If all signs point to a certain direction, that’s often the direction to go in. The truth is that stress is also often accompanied by these conditions mentioned above, so if the medication isn’t to blame, it could be the stress. Your healthcare provider should hold the knowledge to point you in the right direction to nurse your lackluster hair back to health.

3. Diet, Lifestyle And Hair Loss

Assorted toasts with different toppings.

Healthy toast.

Is your body receiving enough nutrients? Being nutrient-deprived can cause thinning hair. Make sure you are eating enough proteins and omega-3’s.

Add plenty of eggs, milk, fish, chicken, meats, legumes, walnuts and avocados to your diet. These are all foods rich in protein or omega-3 fatty acids. Taking vitamin supplements is also a helpful option for reducing hair loss.

What hair products are you using? If you are using strong shampoos and conditioners it would be a good idea to switch to natural products. Strong products may be irritating your scalp and causing your hair to thin. Go for products free of alcohol, sulfates, and silicones.

Finally, make sure your hairstyles are not too hard on your hair. Avoid tight hairdos like braids, buns or tight ponytails – these can tug at your hair and cause hair loss. If you notice your hair thinning, it is best to wear your hair down or loosely tied.

4. Postpartum Hair Loss

Close up of baby feet.

Newborn baby feet.

There are many unsavory aspects of postpartum. Sure, you get to experience the wonders that come with bringing a human being into the world, but it has its downsides too. One of these is the experience of postpartum hair loss. Don’t freak out, you’re not going bald. Your body is just experiencing some hormonal changes as it works its way back to this new normal.

One of the best ways to combat and prevent postpartum hair loss is by making sure to continue to take your prenatal vitamin supplement. You should also be gentle with your hair, using natural products that will nourish rather than punish your hair strands.

5. Thyroid Hair Loss

Thyroid conditions evolve when your thyroid is either under-functioning or over-functioning. The connection between your thyroid and hair loss is a well-known one. The hair loss itself can also become more severe when left untreated. Hormone-related hair loss is not uncommon, and you should see your healthcare provider if you think that your thyroid might be to blame for your collection of hairs in the shower drain.

If your thyroid is the reason for your hair loss, the solution is often a simple one. Deal with the thyroid issues. You might need medication, but your doctor should be able to give you the necessary tools to help you overcome this hormonal fluctuation so that your hair can return to its former glory!

How To Stop Hair Loss

Woman wearing sunglasses laughing touching hair ends.

Woman with healthy hair.

There are numerous methods for controlling and stopping hair loss. The truth is that it will largely depend on why you’re experiencing hair loss in the first place. Someone who is going through postpartum hair loss will likely have a different solution to someone experiencing hair loss due to stress.

This is one of the many reasons why holistic health is often the only route to overall health. Sure, you could take hair growth supplements but that doesn’t solve your thyroid issues, your stress levels, or any other concern that is really causing your hair to shed and fall out.

Biotin For Hair Loss

Supplement pills in pile on table.

Biotin supplements.

One of the more famous vitamins for hair health is biotin. This is largely due to the fact that a deficiency in this vitamin is often an underlying cause of hair loss.

When you use biotin, whether as a supplement or in your hair care products, it has the potential to stimulate hair growth. This results in thicker, healthy hair. It is in no way a miracle in its own right, but when used alongside other beneficial ingredients or methods, the result is usually a good one. Other ingredients to consider are rosemary essential oil, eggs, and other hair-healthy proteins that you can easily incorporate into your diet!

Check out our Pomegranate Shampoo for thinning hair!

Rebundance Bundle Breakdown

rebundance bundle

Rebundance for hair loss.

Looking for a plant-based hair care system dedicated to preventing and combating hair loss? Take a look at our Men’s and Women’s Rebundance bundles. A collection which includes shampoo, conditioner, hair oil, hair serum and biotin supplement.

The shampoo and conditioner in this bundle are designed for everyday use. Keep in mind it’s not usually recommended to wash your hair every single day. Give your scalp and hair time to adjust and find their rhythm. Washing a couple of times a week and engaging in weekly oil treatments is the way to go. Combined with a daily biotin supplement, what Rebundance offers is a real game-changer which can work wonders for the condition of your scalp and hair.

You can look and feel your best. Can become more confident and vivacious. You can stand in front of the mirror, run your hands or hairbrush through your hair, and not fear what might come falling out. You can shower with peace of mind and tranquility, without being apprehensive about looking down at the drain at the end of it. No more excessive shedding on your pillow, no more anxiety over thinning hairs and receding lines.

Fuller, thicker, more nourished hairs. Our lightweight aromatherapeutic hair oil can be applied to wet or dry hair, for assistance in hydrating and detangling. The hair serum can be applied directly on the scalp to increase the flow of blood to the area. Or it can be used on the mid-lengths of the strands to their ends, for extra volume and care. The serum can be rinsed out after a short time, or it can be left in overnight.


Hair loss can be frightening and disturbing, but there’s no need to panic at the first lock you find in your hand. With proper care, nutrition and lifestyle habits, you can once again enjoy your thick, beautiful tresses. With so many underlying causes for your hair loss, don’t just sit there and watch it disappear! Luscious locks are often the first sign of healthy hair. With this in mind, take the necessary steps to make sure that there isn’t something more to your hair loss.

Whether you think it might be stress, medication, thyroid issues, or you’ve just had a baby, there are a plethora of reasons why you’re tresses are thinning. If you’re worried, speak to your doctor. They can help you get through it, and determine the best course of action for you. In the meantime, relax, make yourself a steak, and enjoy life to the fullest.