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Natural DIY Foundation Recipe: The Foundation For Healthy Skin!

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Recently, I’ve started taking note of what’s contained in most of the products that are in my home. I’m often confronted with long lists of ingredients that you need a doctorate in chemistry to pronounce, let alone understand or interpret. In my opinion, it really shouldn’t be this complicated to know what you’re actually buying. Am I wrong here?

For instance, a week ago I was looking for a new natural shampoo. What I found was incredibly confusing and quite surprising – and it made me realize how easy it must be to pull the metaphorical ‘wool’ over our eyes. The bottle I found said ‘natural’ on the front label and even had imagery that suggested that it was made from natural products (lots of greenery and flowers).

When I turned the bottle around though, I was quite surprised to see how long the list of ingredients was. Scanning the list briefly I saw words like ‘Retinyl Palmitate,’ ‘Dimethicone,’ ‘Potassium Sorbate,’ Polyethylene Glycol’ and a whole lot more.

After this I started realizing that the only way to be sure about what’s in your products is to make them yourself. As a rule of thumb, most true natural products shouldn’t contain an excessive number of ingredients – so bare that in mind next time you go shopping. Another item I started researching was make-up! That brought me to DIY Foundation – my life saver.

The Importance Of Using Safe Foundation And Makeup

Safe foundation promotes clear skin.

The cosmetics industry is very large and generates a lot of money on an annual basis. There’s a lot of competition in the market, so you’d think to have a wider variety of choices when it comes to sourcing healthier, more natural products.

Unfortunately, manufacturers aren’t trying to beat each other by making their products more ethically – in fact, quite the opposite seems true. Take a look at the back of any standard foundation or concealer and you’ll see something similar to the shampoo saga I mentioned before.

Generally, I don’t recommend using makeup as it often has a very high comedogenic rating and can block your pores. This creates blemishes and leaves you with a bad complexion, which makes you turn to makeup to cover up the blemishes. It’s just a vicious cycle that should be avoided.

However, no-one can tell you what can or can’t do with your body. If you are going to use makeup, I recommend making your own. It allows you to control the ingredients that you put into your makeup – meaning you’ll end up with a healthier, more natural product and you’ll spend less money for a larger batch. This stuff isn’t cheap and can often cost anywhere from $30 -$45 an ounce if not more depending on your choice of brand. So keep reading, and I’ll tell you what you can do to make your life easier, healthier and cheaper!

DIY Dry Foundation Recipe And Guide

DIY dry powder foundation.

Although sourcing fully organic and natural ingredients for your homemade foundation might prove costly initially, you’ll save in the long run. By going DIY you can create a larger amount of make-up and if you store it correctly, it should last for quite a while.

As I said earlier, I don’t generally recommend that you use makeup regularly. However, if you’re looking to liven up and even out your complexion with a light, natural and non-toxic product, I’ve got the recipe for you! Please note, most of these ingredients can also be used to make liquid foundation as well – I’ve written a recipe for that after this section. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Zinc Oxide. It’s important to note that you must source non-nano and non-micronized zinc. This means that the particles will sit on the surface of your skin (and act as a natural moisturizer and sun-block) but will not get absorbed into your skin or block your pores.
  • Cornstarch Powder. It’s cheap, natural readily available and easy to source. It generally also comes in large amounts, so should last a while and enable to repeat the recipe quite a few times – so real value for money here. Just make sure you don’t source anything that’s related to GMO farming methods or techniques!
  • Mica Powder, Cinnamon and Natural Cocoa Powder. Mica powder has been used for a variety of purposes for as long as we have existed as a species. In fact, some ancient cave paintings (dating as far back as 40,000 BC!) have been created using mica powder. Pretty incredible if you ask me. The color of the mica powder you choose to use is up to you and color of skin. The stuff is pretty cheap, so you can buy a few colors, just to make sure you have a range of choices. I think we’re all familiar with cocoa powder and cinnamon – just be sure to source the organic stuff.
  • Bentonite Clay. I recommend using this clay powder because it has tremendous healing properties and is quite popular. It shouldn’t be hard to find.


  • 2x tablespoon Zinc Oxide.
  • 1x tablespoon Bentonite Powder.
  • 1x tablespoon Cocoa Powder.
  • 1x ½ teaspoon Cinnamon.
  • 1x tablespoon Cornstarch.
  • 1x teaspoon Mica powder.

Directions: Simply mix all the ingredients in a bowl EXCEPT for the zinc oxide, cocoa and mica powder. Once you’ve mixed the ingredients, add the zinc oxide, then the cocoa and mica powder. It’s important to mix the cocoa and mica powders very carefully as these are the coloring agents.

Once you add the ingredients, you cannot un-add them. So be sure to do this slowly and keep testing the powder on the back of your hand or the inside of your arm to get a color that works with your skin.

DIY Liquid Foundation Recipe And Guide

Plant's essential oils.

DIY facial serum for acne.

When creating your own liquid foundation, it’s very important that you source the correct ingredients and follow the measurements and recipe guide carefully. Otherwise you’ll struggle to create a foundation that looks natural and doesn’t leave your face looking clumpy and blotchy.

As with the dry powder foundation – I highly recommend sourcing purely organic products. You don’t want to get any harmful pesticides or chemicals in, on or anywhere near your skin. Make sure you read and re-read the recipe a few times before attempting to create your first batch. You wouldn’t want to waste your time and money repeating the recipe unless you’re getting it 100% right! Here’s what you’ll need:

    • 2x teaspoons Argan Oil.
    • 1x teaspoon Shea Butter
    • 1x ½ teaspoon Candelilla Wax (of you cannot source the Candelilla, Emulsifying wax can also be used – although I recommend making sure that you don’t have any allergies).
    • 1x tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel.
    • 1x teaspoon Witch Hazel or Lemongrass Essential Oil.
    • 3-4x teaspoon Zinc Oxide.
    • Up to ½  x teaspoon Cocoa Powder (amount depends on desired color).
    • Up to ½ x teaspoon Mica Colour Powder of choice (amount depends on desired color).
    • ½ x teaspoon Bentonite Clay.


To create the liquid foundation, you’ll need to fill a large pot with roughly 2-3 cups of water and bring it to a boil. Place a large, heat resistant bowl inside the pot – it should rest on the sides of the pot and must not touch the water. First, add the Shea Butter, Argan Oil and Candelilla (or Emulsifying) Wax and make sure that they melt completely. Now, add the Aloe Vera Gel and Witch Hazel or Lemongrass Essential Oil and stir the mixture so that the ingredients blend. Then take the the pot off the hot plate or turn the heat off completely.

Add your Zinc Oxide and Bentonite Clay to the mixture and stir. You can add a little more if need be (less than a teaspoon). Now, add the Mica Powder and Cocoa Powder slowly (I’m talking in pinches here) until you reach the desired color – preferably one that matches your skin color.

Remember that once you add the powder, you cannot undo the addition, so rather be slow and steady – test the mixture regularly. Once you’ve reached the desired color, allow the mixture to cool. Once the mixture has cooled enough, place it in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place. Enjoy!


I hope these recipes have shown you how easy it can be to create your own makeup at home, knowing exactly what’s in them, where the ingredients were sourced and how they were made – because you made them. I think there’s something to be proud of in that – not to mention the amount of money you’ll be saving and the amazing benefits it’ll have for your skin and health overall.

Like I said, the large industries aren’t about to change their methodology just because pockets of people are starting to realize how harmful most of these products are. I think it’s about time you took claim over your own skin and health care as much as you can. Going natural and DIY is the future if you ask me. It’s definitely worth a try!