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11 Ways To Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles For Good

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They may be called the ‘Golden Years’, and sure, they definitely have their perks. But there are difficulties that come with age, ranging from the annoying to the dangerous.

People have all sorts of gripes when it comes to their skin, such as acne scars, sagging or crow’s feet. One of the annoying realities as we get older is the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Especially forehead wrinkles, which are generally one of the first forms of wrinkles to make their appearance. You may be 21 at heart but your body just doesn’t seem to agree with your mind, and you might find yourself frowning at your recent reflection. (Do not, by the way; that just makes the wrinkles deepen. Facial expressions and movements definitely have an impact on wrinkles!)

Unfortunately, I do not have a way to bring your birthday down by 20 years. But luckily there are ways to get rid of – or soften, at least – forehead wrinkles, frown lines, etc. Yay for dermatology!

Obviously, there is no way to completely prevent the onset of wrinkles. It’s an inevitable part of growing more mature. But with proper skin care, plus a few handy tips, it is definitely possible to look your youngest self. There are three options when it comes to getting rid of forehead wrinkles: prevention through a healthy lifestyle, home remedies for those who prefer to go natural, or a more invasive approach. Keep in mind that these methods and skincare products might not make your wrinkles completely disappear, but they will definitely lighten them. So continue reading below to discover how to solve your forehead wrinkles problem!

Top 11 Ways To Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles

1. Sun Safety

You’ve probably already heard about many reasons why you should protect yourself against the sun. Yet one of those reasons is is that limiting your sun exposure is a huge start to reducing your chances of developing wrinkles earlier than you’d like to. UV rays are one of the main causes for wrinkles, so you might want to be thinking about how much time you spend tanning on your porch.

Still young? It’s never to early to start taking care of your skin. Try not to spend unnecessary time in the sun, and make sure to use a good sunscreen with a high SPF every time you expose your skin to UV rays. Sun protection is crucial for all your time outdoors, or even for driving in your car on a sunny day.

2. Quit Smoking

Hands holding broken cigarette.

Quitting smoking can help your skin stay young and healthy.

The same as sun safety, you’re probably already familiar with some of the arguments for not smoking. Yes, there are more important reasons to quit smoking – such as for your lung health, to reduce your risk of various forms of cancer, or if you’re pregnant. But another reason is for your skin health, especially as you age.

Nicotine, a chemical found in cigarettes, causes the blood vessels on the outer layers of your skin to constrict. This means that less blood is able to flow there, which means that your skin is getting less Vitamin A and oxygen than it really needs.

The other chemicals that you subject your body to when you smoke, such as carbon monoxide, lead and mercury – among others – break down collagen and elastin (the stuff that gives your skin flexibility) and cause wrinkles, even in younger people. So if you needed another reason to quit, here it is.

3. Keep Hydrated

Drinking water is super important – and not only for your health and energy. A body that is hydrated on the inside will also be hydrated on the outside. Hydrated, healthy skin tends to be plumper, firmer and have fewer wrinkles. Water also helps to fight against toxins that may be causing skin damage.

In addition to regularly consuming some H2O, moisturizers are key to keeping your facial skin hydrated. Products containing hyaluronic acid are especially good for this purpose.

And creams with retinol (Vitamin A) in them are shown to reduce tons of skin issues including, you guessed it, fine lines.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera cross section.

Aloe vera for skin.

I bet you have thought of this one already. Compounds like acemannan found in aloe vera can heal damaged skin. And the high Vitamin E content is definitely your skin’s best friend – mature or otherwise.

To use aloe vera for forehead lines, massage a small amount of aloe vera gel into your forehead. Leave this on for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse  your forehead with cold water. Within about a week, you should notice a positive difference in your forehead wrinkles.

5. Petroleum Jelly

Adding petroleum jelly to washed skin can help lock in the moisture and keep it hydrated. After washing your face at night, massage the jelly into your wrinkles until it stops feeling greasy and is fully absorbed in your skin. Make this a regular habit, and you will have healthier, better-hydrated skin in almost no time.

6. Olive Oil

Bowl of oil surrounded by olives.

Olive oil can help hydrate the skin and fight against free radical damage.

This oil may be indispensable in your kitchen, but did you know that it can be amazing for your skin, too? Its antioxidant properties help to fight against free radicals that are wreaking havoc on your forehead. (Serums containing Vitamin C are also great for combating free radical damage.)

You can either choose to use warmed olive oil on its own, or together with lemon juice. Massage the oil or oil and juice mixture into your wrinkles for a few minutes every night. You should notice your skin becoming hydrated and healthier.

7. Exfoliating

To reduce forehead wrinkling, consider exfoliating your skin. How does this work? Exfoliation makes the skin tighter, making it look and feel smoother. It also helps get rid of excess dry skin and dead skin, consequently exposing the newer and healthier skin below. This skin cell turnover means that the healthier skin is able to better absorb other products that you use, making your facial skin the healthiest it can be.

By exfoliating every day, you can help get rid of dead skin cells regularly. But many feel that exfoliating daily is too harsh on their skin, and they might not like the side effects. If you find this, try exfoliating twice a week instead. Play around with it until you find a comfortable frequency.

Any exfoliant which contains alcohol is likely to dry out your skin, which would just make matters worse. One good option is natural witch hazel. Glycolic acid is another exfoliant option. And alpha hydroxy acids, available in many lotions and cleansers, are a good way to gently exfoliate dead skin cells before they turn into wrinkles. Plus, rubbing something into your skin increases blood flow, which is good for your skin. Keep in mind that the effects of exfoliating might be gradual, so you might not notice them immediately.

Chemical peels which include things such as salicylic acid act as strong exfoliants to make skin less wrinkled.

8. Anti-Aging Facial Patches

If you’re looking for some anti-aging products, check out these patches. They physically hold your skin in place, so it stays firm and doesn’t set into wrinkles while you sleep. When you use the tape to smooth out wrinkles, it’s both a quick-fix and a long-term solution, as it trains your skin not to set into wrinkles.

9. Injectable Collagen

These injections, as you may have guessed, work to help increase the levels of collagen in your skin and therefore help you to achieve younger, healthier skin. They are done by a dermatologist and are repeated around every 2 – 4 months. Intense exercise, sun exposure, and alcohol should be avoided within a week of getting your shot.

10. Laser

One of the least invasive, but highly effective, anti-wrinkle treatments is laser treatment. Laser beams can be used to either encourage more collagen production, or to remove a layer of wrinkled skin and show the younger-looking skin that previously was hiding underneath the damaged skin. It is slightly more expensive, but if you have a low pain tolerance, laser resurfacing might be the best option for you.

11. Botox

Botox can be used to target other issues, but it is most commonly used to eliminate or soften wrinkles. When injected into a muscle (muscle movements are often the cause of wrinkles), Botox will relax the facial muscle so it can’t function as it did before. Therefore, it won’t be able to produce wrinkles. It has been approved by the FDA for safety. But like everything, it carries risks, like infection or allergy.


Do not let the appearance of wrinkles get ya down! If you are one of those people who embrace age and celebrate it, good for you! But if those wrinkles are starting to bother you, do not despair.

There are ways to turn back the clock, at least as far as your forehead is concerned. Just make sure to do you research before deciding on a method. For instance, some out there insist that facial exercises might help fight lines, when in actuality this can make them worse. After all, you don’t want to turn your fine lines into deep wrinkles!

And if you are not there yet, start by taking good care of your body and skin now. You’ll thank yourself for it in a few short years from now.

So what’s the best anti-wrinkle treatment out there? The bottom line is that it depends on you, your needs and your preferences.