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Under Eye Treatment: Top Home Remedies For Bags Under Eyes!

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There’s no hiding physical exhaustion. Those late nights stubbornly show under our eyes. When life gets really busy and a good night’s sleep more elusive than we’d like, under eye circles can become a permanent fixture.  Even when we are tired, we sometimes pretend we’re not, am I right? Here are a few ways to regain (or retain) a smoother, more youthful-looking under-eye area.

Get Enough Sleep

Woman covering half her face with blanket with eyes closed sleeping.

Proper sleep is your ultimate superpower.

Of course, the best fix would be to get enough sleep – usually at least 7 to 8 hours every night for an adult. If your body is begging for some sleep, give in; it’s usually worthwhile to set aside chores for tomorrow and call it a night. Unless a task absolutely, urgently needs to get done immediately, you needn’t worry, everything will get done in the end. You’ll be twice as productive the following day when you are well-rested, and the data on that is crystal clear.

Proper sleep really is a human superpower. Forget Superman, Iron Man, and Batman – become the hero you need to be. Become… Sleep Man. If getting more nighttime sleep is impossible, try cramming a short nap into your day. Even a 10-minute catnap can make all the difference, improving your mood, alertness, performance, and your overall appearance!

Face Yoga

Granted, this probably isn’t the most common practiced form of yoga. Apparently face yoga, particularly exercises using the muscles around the eyes, can effectively reduce and delay under eye lines and wrinkles. How exactly do you practice face yoga? Try this exercise: (You’ll look a little silly but doesn’t hurt trying, right?)

Lift your eyebrows and open your eyes and mouth as wide as possible to stretch out the muscles around your eyes. Ideally,  stay is in this position for one minute. This exercise of stretching your face muscles is meant to keep your under-eye area smooth and youthful.

Yoga gets all kinds of positive attention, and rightly so. Whether it’s your core, your face, or any other part of the human body – there is some form of yoga that can be beneficial. Yoga literally means ‘union’, and it’s one of humanity’s best and most ancient practices. When your body and mind are working in unison, and when you work to cultivate and enhance the connection between them – there are many advantages, and increased under-eye health is but an inkling of its potential.


Girl with curly hair looking in the mirror putting on moisturizer.

Women moisturizing her face.

Moisturizing the skin under your eyes (and in your entire face) keeps your skin hydrated, delaying lines and wrinkles. But don’t wait till you start seeing lines in your under-eye area, begin to apply a daily moisturizer to your under-eye area now, before lines appear. Use a lighter moisturizer if you’re in your teens or twenties and switch to heavier moisturizers as you get older and your skin needs more hydration. There are also targeted creams that help your under eye area specifically. The best under eye cream is one that contains natural ingredients such as vitamin C to boost brightness and reduce puffiness. 

Daily SPF

Sun coming through palm tree leaves.

The sun can be dangerous if you’re unprotected.

Don’t skip your under-eye area when applying your daily sunscreen. If you haven’t been using a daily SPF till now, now is the time to start! Protecting your skin from dangerous UV rays and sun damage delays wrinkles and signs of aging. Wearing sunglasses is another good way to add protection to your eyes and the area around your eyes when the sun is out. This reduces your risk of under eye wrinkles and lines under eyes which significantly increase the appearance of Prada-worthy bags. 

Reduce Sodium

Eating too much sodium can result in water retention in the body and puffiness under the eyes. To avoid puffiness and bags in that region, cut down on the salty foods, or add less salt to your food. Try using a variety of spices to add flavor to your food and make up for the reduced salt. Incidentally, tea bags, and cucumbers can also be used to reduce puffiness.

A balanced diet is considered to be the best way of improving your health and vitality and maintaining it for the long term. The way to your eyes goes right through your stomach. Treat your body right, bring some of that sodium intake down a notch or two, and see what it can do for you. Eating less sodium won’t be a perfect solution by any means, but it’s backed by science and anecdotal evidence.


Apply a creamy concealer to the area for an immediate fix. Concealers with yellow undertones cover dark under eye circles to make the area appear smooth and youthful. Apply a primer before applying the concealer to avoid creasing under the eyes. True, this is a cosmetic change, but it is an efficient one. It may not provide long-term solutions, but for a short time, it can change the outward appearance of your under-eye area.


Of course, the natural tips would be the first steps to try. Getting enough rest, applying sunscreen, and cutting down on sodium has health benefits beyond keeping your under-eye area smooth and youthful. Plus, having a naturally smooth under eye area can save you having to apply makeup. But if all else fails and your under-eye area just never looks smooth, dab on the concealer – definitely saves the day when we need it!

People’s genetic composition varies a lot. You might find that your facial structure and complexion don’t require any kind of modification. The thing is, even if you’re one of those lucky people who can breeze through life without having to worry about it – old age catches up with everyone sooner or later. The tips written above are there to give you the best shot at maintaining your eyes’ youthful appearance.